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  • Registrant : cupa
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2023/08/18
  • Published : 2023/08/18
  • Changed :2023/08/18
  • Total View : 443 persons
2023/9/11 / New York / Music live / Concert

Ka-Na Hanana Uemura Concert

Singer-songwriter Hanana Uemura Ka-Na ♪ will perform a concert of her signature song "Toilet God" ♪ at Joe's Pub in Manhattan on September 11 at 7pm, her first solo show since the pandemic!

We will sing not only "God of the Toilet" but also many Western covers and original popular songs, so we would be very happy if you could come to our concert if you live in NY or the suburbs. Please come and feel the heart of Japan!
We are looking forward to seeing you all.

[Event] Ka-Na Concert
[Artist] Ka-Na (vocal, guitar)
[Member] TBA
[Date] Monday, September 11,
[ Door] 6:00pm
[Show] 7:00pm
[Place] Joe's Pub
[Address] 425 Lafayette Street, New York NY 10003
[Phone] (212) 539-8564> [Member] TBA [Date] Monday, September 11, [[Member 212) 539-8500
[Admission] $ 25.00
[CUPA Special Discount] $5 discount for first 30 tickets only.
Enter discount code "KANA20" when purchasing tickets.

[Organization] CATCH US Performing Arts ™(CUPA ™) 501(c)(3)Documentation of the United States NPO
[Address] 297 Kinderkamack Rd #258, Oradell, NJ 07649
[Phone] 001-010-1-201-942-. 05555
Venue ] Joe's Pub 425 Lafayette Street, New York NY 10003
Address New York, -
Date 2023/9/11
Time 7:00 minute(s)
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