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  • Registrant : JCCINY
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2022/05/06
  • Published : 2022/05/06
  • Changed :2022/05/06
  • Total View : 2446 persons
2022/6/9 - 2022/6/9 / New York, NY / School / Seminar

Training for Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry of New York (JCCI NY) Japan-U.S. Staff for FY2022 ・ Program

Japanese staff learn about American society ・culture, American values, and communication methods, which are the foundation of business activities in the U.S. Similarly, American ・local staff understand Japanese culture, Japanese values, communication, and Japanese-style management. This will further enhance business efficiency and productivity.

The Japanese Chamber of Commerce of New York will again this year offer a training ・ program for Japanese and American staff. In an increasingly globalized business environment, a company's competitiveness is greatly affected by whether or not its employees are ready to work. By having Japanese staff learn about American society ・culture, American values, and communication methods, which are the foundation of business activities in the U.S., and having American ・local staff understand Japanese culture, Japanese values, communication, and Japanese-style management, they will be able to increase business efficiency and productivity. This will help your business to be more efficient and productive. This popular annual training program is used by many Japanese companies as part of their internal human resource education programs. The curriculum is ideal for relatively new expatriates and local staff. In the morning, a professional coach will give a lecture and workshop, and in the afternoon, a well-known speaker will be invited to give advice on your career. Each company is encouraged to invite a large number of temporary/local employees to attend. ( There is no limit to the number of participants. )

As the new year begins, many employees are getting to know each other and becoming accustomed to the workplace, but at the same time, they may be experiencing some confusion and discomfort due to cultural ・ differences between the US and Japan.

To address these issues, this program will provide classes for Japanese and local staff ( and Americans ) respectively in the morning session, focusing on effective communication and the latest information on legal ・ compliance when working in the US. The afternoon session will include a keynote address and networking ・ reception for all attendees.

Morning Session :
"Culture and Manners, Cultural Background, Leadership and Work Styles in Business"
Ryota Mitsugi ( Mitsugi International Corporation )
Paul ・ Mr. Jaffee ( Japan Intercultural Consulting )

Afternoon Session :
"Four Styles of Leadership"
Eriko Imaizumi ( Waterview Consulting Group )

"Recent US-Japan Economic Trends"
Mr. Sho Nakamura ( Consulate General of Japan in New York )

The Valuable Future of Your Company ( We hope you will take advantage of this program to develop your company's valuable human resources ) who will be the future of your company.

The curriculum is ideal for recently assigned temporary staff or recently hired local non ・ Japanese.

Venue Nippon Club Tower 145 W. 57th Street 2nd Floor New York, NY 10019
Address 145 W 57th St, New York, NY, 10019-2220 US
Date 2022/6/9 - 2022/6/9
Time 9:30 minute(s) - 15:00 minute(s)
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