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Search Keyword: イベント | 204 results | Search time: 0 seconds
- Already ended
- 2021/10/03 (Sun)
- Palo Alto, CA
【オンライン講座】10月3日(日) 『日米の乳がん検診の疑問あれこれ』&質問回答会
「まさか自分が乳がんになるわけない」 … ほとんどの患者さんがそう思っていました。
- Already ended
- 2021/09/30 (Thu) - 2021/09/30 (Thu)
- New York, NY
- Today
- --/--/--
- 岐阜県 美濃加茂市
- Already ended
- 2021/09/20 (Mon)
- New York, New York
[講師紹介] ニューヨーク州移民法弁護士。アメリカの大手法律事務所および投資銀行で二十年以上に渡り、日本、アメリカを始めとする国際企業、組織のアドバイザーを務める。日本在住歴24年、その後、香港を経て、2015年よりニューヨーク在住。現在は、マイケル・ダン法律事務所の代表を務める。
- Already ended
- 2021/09/08 (Wed)
- New York (ミッドタウン), New York
- Already ended
- 2021/08/21 (Sat)
- New York, New York
「IG Sexercise Live」ニューヨーク初公演
IGは、TBSの人気番組「Let’s 美バディー」に出演するほか、渡辺直美、ゆず、加藤ミリヤ、倖田來未、などの日本のトップアーティストのバックダンサー、そして「本気で生きるって気持ち良くない〜?」を出版するなど、マルチな才能を持つパフォーマー。昨年、新型コロナウイルスで自粛中に、濃厚接触できないムラムラを自宅でも晴らそうというコンセプトから始めたという、フィットネスの要素と開放的になれるセクシームーブを織り交ぜた独自の感性で構築するセクササイズで、ついに衝撃のニューヨーク・デビューを飾る。
- Already ended
- 2021/08/20 (Fri)
- New York (ミッドタウン), New York
日本クラブ 第7回『オペラの楽しみを探ろう!』オンライントーク・ウエビナー
- Already ended
- 2021/08/09 (Mon)
- New York (ミッドタウン), New York
日本クラブ/米国日本人医師会共催 第4回オンライン・ヘルスセミナー「ADHDの診断と治療」Part 2 <Q&Aセッション>
- Already ended
- 2021/08/03 (Tue)
- New York (ミッドタウン), New York
- Already ended
- 2021/07/26 (Mon) - 2021/07/31 (Sat)
- Already ended
- 2021/07/22 (Thu)
- New York (ミッドタウン), New York
- Already ended
- 2021/07/22 (Thu)
- New York (ミッドタウン), New York
Tata Consultancy Services/JCCI/Nippon Club共催「業務とITにまたがる運用の自動化」
- Already ended
- 2021/07/18 (Sun) - 2021/07/18 (Sun)
- ウェビナー
7月18日開催 ウェビナー グローバルトゥルーサーズ
- Already ended
- 2021/07/17 (Sat) - 2021/07/24 (Sat)
- 東京都 豊島区
「帰国生対象 オンライン学校説明会・個別相談会」を実施します!
- Already ended
- 2021/07/14 (Wed)
- New York (ミッドタウン), New York
第3回 SYSCOM GLOBAL SOLUTIONS/日本クラブ/JCCI共催 ビジネスウェビナー「テレワーク環境下におけるITセキュリティリスクと対策〜フィッシングメールとエンドポイントセキュリティ〜」
- Already ended
- 2021/07/11 (Sun) - 2021/07/31 (Sat)
- Brooklyn, ニューヨーク州
- Already ended
- 2021/07/09 (Fri) - 2021/07/09 (Fri)
- New York (ミッドタウン), New York
【日本クラブ】バーチャル・サマーフェスティバル 2021 「メトロポリタン・オペラ・オーケストラの音楽家を応援しよう!」
- Already ended
- 2021/07/07 (Wed) - 2021/07/31 (Sat)
- Online
- Already ended
- 2021/06/18 (Fri) - 2021/07/03 (Sat)
- New York, New York
ポップアップ イベント『DECO BOKO Market』を開催!
- Already ended
- 2021/06/17 (Thu)
- New York (ミッドタウン), New York
- Find local business with Town Guide
- Each of us is creating the future of our...
Let's get started ! Volunteering in New York City ! Join us and start participating in society in a spiritually enriching way ? Experience things you wouldn't normally be able to do, and have heart-t...
+1 (212) 932-7208NY de Volunteer, Inc. (NYdV)
- International Brain Education Associatio...
We, the International Brain Research and Education Association (IBREA ・ the official NGO of the UN Gazette Office), are a non-profit educational organization providing academic training to realize th...
+1 (212) 319-0848IBREA Foundation
- The Japan Club is a members-only social ...
The Japan Club's hall is a relaxing, satisfying, and comfortable space prepared for its members. In addition to a restaurant where you can enjoy seasonal Japanese cuisine, the club is equipped with l...
+1 (212) 581-2223The Nippon Club, Inc.
- Our educational philosophy, "Raising Mot...
Our educational philosophy "Nurture children who are serious about what they do" is put into practice in New York as well. Waseda Academy, a preparatory school for those who take junior high school e...
+1 (914) 698-1100WASEDA ACADEMY USA CO., LTD.
- Waseda Aka NY, strong in entrance examin...
Our educational philosophy "Nurture children who are serious about what they do" is put into practice in New York as well. Waseda Academy, a preparatory school for those who take junior high school e...
+1 (914) 698-1100Waseda Academy
- The New York Japanese Single Mothers' As...
Currently, there are about 30 members on the list, all of whom are divorced, separated, in the process of discussing separation, unmarried, or bereaved, and the ages of their children range from 0 to ...
Japanese Single Mothers in the Metropolitan Area
- Our school offers classes on Saturdays i...
Goals : Aiming to develop the qualities and abilities for children to pioneer the future society Policies : Japanese education on Saturdays - learn and think in Japanese Aiming teachers : Teachers w...
+1 (201) 585-0555Japanese Weekend School of NJ
- Japanese school located in New Jersey an...
・ Early Childhood ・ Stable basic education through integrated elementary education ・ Small class sizes and a family-like atmosphere for growth and learning ・ A lively education with dedicated teache...
+1 (201) 947-4832ニューヨーク育英学園 Japanese Children's Society
- Physical Therapy Clinic + Wellness Cente...
Physical therapy clinic located in front of Grand Central Station in Midtown. Services in Japanese. Overseas traveler's insurance and out-of-network medical insurance are available. We provide root ...
+1 (212) 695-2769Orthopedic Movement Physical Therapy + OMPT ウェルネスセンター
- BC Network ( New Jersey ) is a non-profi...
BC Network is , a non-profit organization accredited in the United States. We are a non-profit organization that promotes up-to-date information about breast cancer, post-treatment lifestyle, early ...
+1 (201) 400-9629Young Japanese Breast Cancer Network / NJ
- Japan ・ Society Language Center in New Y...
Japan ・ Society Language Center Started in 1972, the Japan ・ Society Language Center is the largest Japanese language institute in New York City and the largest in North America. The Center offers a ...
+1 (212) 715-1269Japan Society Language Center
- The Japanese American Society of New Yor...
We offer a variety of events for people of all ages to enjoy. Please join us ! We also offer free consultation services such as Health ・ Life Consultation Room, Legal Counseling Room on Immigration La...
+1 (212) 840-6942Japanese American Association of New York, Inc.
- No health insurance ・ ・ ・, Landlord won'...
Japan-America Social Services ( JACY ) is a 501(c)(3)}certified non-profit organization that has been providing social services to residents in and around New York City since its founding in 1981. Our...
+1 (212) 442-1541Japanese American Social Service, Inc. (JASSI)