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May 2024
Working for the City of New York offers rewarding career opportunities serving our communities. With over 80 City agencies and thousands of job types, there is something for everyone in city government. This newsletter by the Department of Citywide Administrative Services provides updates about job opportunities, upcoming civil service exams, available internships and fellowships, and career events.
The NYC Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS) helps support the recruiting and hiring needs for city government. Our Office of Citywide Recruitment partners with educational institutions and community-based organizations across the five boroughs to share information about city government jobs and the civil service examination process. This newsletter will provide you with the news and information you need to take the next step in your career.
Upcoming Events
Please join us for our upcoming events https://www1.nyc.gov/site/dcas/agencies/office-of-citywide-recruitment.page. Select events based on your career interests, education, and experience.
NYC Health + Hospitals Lincoln Nursing Recruitment Fair
Wednesday, May 22, 2024, 1:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. NYC Health + Hospitals/ Lincoln, 234 E 149th St, Bronx, NY 10451
NYC Health + Hospitals is hiring Staff Nurses (RN) for its Lincoln location. NYS Registered Nurse/ BCLS plus successful completion of NCLEX exam required. New grads and Associate degree nurses are accepted. Email mailto:Nurses4NYC@nychhc.org resume to register.
REGISTER NOW https://hhinternet.blob.core.windows.net/uploads/2024/04/community-care-nurse-recruitment-event-certified-home-health-agency-june-1-2024-flyer.pdf
NYC Health + Hospitals Community Care Nurse Recruitment Event: Certified Home Health Agency
Saturday, June 1, 2024, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. NYC Health + Hospitals/ Woodhull, 760 Broadway, Brooklyn, NY 11206, Conference Room #4
Looking to make a difference and work in the community? NYC Health + Hospitals is hiring Community Health Nurses. NYS Registered Nurse License + BLS required. Russian, Mandarin, Cantonese and Spanish-speaking nurses are encouraged to apply. Email mailto:CommunityCareNursingJobFair@nychhc.org resume to register.
For additional events and opportunities throughout the five boroughs for NYS Registered Nurses, Physicians, Social Workers (LMSW and LCSW), Certified Surgical Technologists (CST) and more, visit the NYC Health + Hospitals Careers Page. https://www.nychealthandhospitals.org/careers/
REGISTER NOW mailto:https://hhinternet.blob.core.windows.net/uploads/2024/04/community-care-nurse-recruitment-event-certified-home-health-agency-june-1-2024-flyer.pdf
Civil Service Exams May 2024
Open Competitive Exams for Anyone
Apply until 6/4/2024
Police Communications Technician https://www.nyc.gov/assets/dcas/downloads/pdf/noes/20244305000.pdf
School Safety Agent https://www.nyc.gov/assets/dcas/downloads/pdf/noes/20244311000.pdf
Apply until 6/6/2024
Correction Officer https://www.nyc.gov/assets/dcas/downloads/pdf/noes/20244302000.pdf
Apply until 6/28/2024
Police Officer https://www.nyc.gov/assets/dcas/downloads/pdf/noes/20244308000.pdf
Apply until 8/30/2024
Environmental Police Officer https://www.nyc.gov/assets/dcas/downloads/pdf/noes/20244322000.pdf
How to Apply for Civil Service Exams
Through DCAS’s Online Application System (OASys) https://a856-exams.nyc.gov/OASysWeb/home, you can apply for and take certain exams online. This can be done on a computer and now also by using a smartphone or tablet. To apply in-person at one of our Computer-based Testing and Application Centers, schedule an appointment on OASys https://a856-exams.nyc.gov/OASysWeb/home.
Testing Centers are open Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., excluding holidays.
For exam related customer service or to check the status of an exam or list you can:
Call (212) 669-1357.
Log into OASys https://a856-exams.nyc.gov/OASysWeb/home and fill out the Contact Us form https://a856-exams.nyc.gov/OASysWeb/contact.
E-mail DCAS at: LMACustomerService@dcas.nyc.gov mailto:LMACustomerService@dcas.nyc.gov.
Our testing centers are in every borough, so you can find a testing center near you https://www.nyc.gov/site/dcas/employment/travel-directions-to-the-ctacs.page.
Job Announcements
The City of New York is hiring! Please visit our career page https://cityjobs.nyc.gov/ at nyc.gov/jobs to view and apply for immediate hire positions available across the City. To view the jobs listed below, follow the links or enter the respective Job ID# in the search box https://cityjobs.nyc.gov/.
Bronx District Attorney’s Office
Assistant District Attorney, Civil Litigation Bureau https://cityjobs.nyc.gov/job/assistant-district-attorney-civil-litigation-bureau-in-bronx-jid-18552 - Salary: $100,000 (annual) - Job ID# 542256
Cell Site Analyst https://cityjobs.nyc.gov/job/cell-site-analyst-in-bronx-jid-21642 - Salary: $75,000 (annual) - Job ID# 631292
Timekeeper https://cityjobs.nyc.gov/job/timekeeper-human-resources-in-bronx-jid-18163 - Salary: $57,000 (annual) - Job ID# 618610
City University of New York
Campus Peace Officer https://www.cuny.edu/about/administration/offices/hr/classified-civil-service/notice-of-exams-noe/#1638799187620-1e8a556b-54d0 – Salary: $36,614 (annual)
Campus Security Assistant https://www.cuny.edu/about/administration/offices/hr/classified-civil-service/notice-of-exams-noe/#1631644532188-ede7a7c0-f206 – Salary: $31,320 (annual)
Assistant Principal Custodial Supervisor https://www.cuny.edu/about/administration/offices/hr/classified-civil-service/notice-of-exams-noe/#1714148960926-c0f6fc56-f3ef - Salary: $41,670 (annual)
Manhattan District Attorney’s Office
Special Victims Counselor (NY State LMSW/ LCSW or LMHC) https://fa-elzs-saasfaprod1.fa.ocs.oraclecloud.com/hcmUI/CandidateExperience/en/sites/CX/job/2918?keyword=2918&mode=location&sortBy=TITLES_ASC - Salary: $65,058 (annual) - DANY Job ID#
Data Manager, Policy Unit https://fa-elzs-saasfaprod1.fa.ocs.oraclecloud.com/hcmUI/CandidateExperience/en/sites/CX/job/2910?keyword=2910&mode=location&sortBy=TITLES_ASC - Salary: $71,920 (annual) - DANY Job ID# 2910
New York City Council
Labor Relations Attorney https://www.indeed.com/job/labor-relations-attorney-95445b1c9040a995 - Salary: $110,000--$150,000 (annual)
NYC Board of Correction
Deputy General Counsel https://cityjobs.nyc.gov/job/deputy-general-counsel-in-nyc-all-boros-jid-22481 - Salary: $115,000--$127,500 (annual) - Job ID# 630702
NYC Board of Education Retirement System
Pension System Communications Representative https://nychb.teacherssupportnetwork.com/guest/ShowVacancyDetails.do?vacancyId=22904 (two positions) - Salary: $54,687--$56,000 (annual) - DOE Job ID: 22904
Member Services Assistant https://nychb.teacherssupportnetwork.com/guest/ShowVacancyDetails.do?vacancyId=23406 - Salary: $54,687--$61,017 (annual) - DOE Job ID 23406
Visit the DOE Careers https://www.schools.nyc.gov/careers site and search under Administration and Central Offices for more opportunities at BERS.
NYC Department for the Aging
Assistant Commissioner for Workforce and Community Development https://cityjobs.nyc.gov/job/assistant-commissioner-for-workforce-and-community-development-in-manhattan-jid-22121 - Salary: $155,000--$175,000 (annual) - Job ID# 631908
NYC Department of Citywide Administrative Services
Senior Advisor, Energy Supply, Office of Energy Conservation https://cityjobs.nyc.gov/job/senior-advisor-energy-supply-in-nyc-all-boros-jid-15395 - Salary: $118,480 (annual) - Job ID# 607322
City Custodial Assistant (12 positions) https://cityjobs.nyc.gov/job/city-custodial-assistant-in-nyc-all-boros-jid-21802 - Salary: $35,252--$40,338 (annual) - Job ID# 631620
Assistant General Counsel https://cityjobs.nyc.gov/job/assistant-general-counsel-in-nyc-all-boros-jid-15829 - Salary: $110,000--$113,475 (annual) - Job ID# 608952
Tests and Measurement Specialist, Exam Development Group (five positions) https://cityjobs.nyc.gov/job/tests-and-measurement-specialist-in-nyc-all-boros-jid-21807 - Salary: $67,972--$78,168 (annual) - Job ID# 631627
Disposition Project Manager, Real Estate/ Portfolio Planning & Management https://cityjobs.nyc.gov/job/disposition-project-manager-in-nyc-all-boros-jid-20052 - Salary: $72,000 (annual) - Job ID# 624768
NYC Department of Design and Construction
Project Executive (Architect) https://cityjobs.nyc.gov/job/project-executive-in-manhattan-jid-16508 - Salary: $58,682--$129,393 (annual) - Job ID# 611224
Executive Assistant https://cityjobs.nyc.gov/job/executive-assistant-in-queens-jid-17141 - Salary: $59,116--$67,983 (annual) - Job ID# 613237
Surveyor (Architectural), Division of Public Buildings https://cityjobs.nyc.gov/job/surveyor-architectural-in-queens-jid-20917 - Salary: $58,682--$95,419 (annual) - Job ID# 610117
NYC Department of Education
School Food Service Manager https://nychb.teacherssupportnetwork.com/guest/ShowVacancyDetails.do?vacancyId=21425 - Salary: $46,373--$53,328 (annual) - DOE Job ID: 21425
Compliance and Account Management Coordinator, Impartial Hearing Order Implementation Unit https://nychb.teacherssupportnetwork.com/guest/ShowVacancyDetails.do?vacancyId=22905 - Salary: $67,810--$74,591 (annual) - DOE Job ID: 22905
Visit the DOE Careers site https://www.schools.nyc.gov/careers for more opportunities at the NYC Department of Education.
NYC Department of Finance
Parking Enforcement Attorney https://cityjobs.nyc.gov/job/parking-enforcement-attorney-in-brooklyn-jid-18176 - Salary: $87,003--$100,053 (annual) - Job ID# 618046
Personal Exemptions & Abatement Program Manager, Department of Homeowner Tax Benefits https://cityjobs.nyc.gov/job/personal-exemptions-and-abatement-program-manager-in-manhattan-jid-21892 - Salary: $100,543--$115,000 (annual) - Job ID# 628646
Division Budget & Procurement Manager, Sheriff Administration https://cityjobs.nyc.gov/job/division-budget-and-procurement-manager-in-queens-jid-22774 - Salary: $110,000--$115,000 (annual) - Job ID# 634272
NYC Department of Parks and Recreation
Climber & Pruner (10 positions) https://cityjobs.nyc.gov/job/climber-and-pruner-in-nyc-all-boros-jid-23006 - Salary: $70,128 (annual) - Job ID# 635175
Hostler https://cityjobs.nyc.gov/job/hostler-in-nyc-all-boros-jid-22508 - Salary: $20.64 (hourly) - Job ID# 633582
Outdoor Ropes Course Facilitator (eight positions) https://cityjobs.nyc.gov/job/outdoor-ropes-course-facilitator-in-queens-jid-21867 - Salary: $26.37 (hourly) - Job ID# 631861
NYC Department of Small Business Services
Program Manager, Apex Accelerator & MWBE Vendor Services https://cityjobs.nyc.gov/job/program-manager-apex-accelerator-and-mwbe-vendor-services-in-manhattan-jid-22748 - $55,873--$62,215 (annual) - Job ID# 633512
NYC Department of Youth and Community Development
Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP) Senior Field Supervisor (70 positions) (temporary) https://cityjobs.nyc.gov/job/program-supervisor-in-manhattan-jid-21195 - Salary: $16.88--$19.29 (hourly) - Job ID# 628459
NYC Health + Hospitals
Registered Nurses (Various specialties/levels throughout NYC) – To learn more please visit: NURSES4NYC - NYC Health + Hospitals https://www.nychealthandhospitals.org/nurses4nyc/
Medical & Behavioral Health Social Workers (Various specialties/levels throughout NYC) – To learn more please email: SocialWorkers4NYC@nychhc.org mailto:SocialWorkers4NYC@nychhc.org
Radiologic Technologists (Various specialties/levels throughout NYC) – To learn more please email: Recruit@nychhc.org mailto:Recruit@nychhc.org
Please visit the NYC Health + Hospitals careers page https://www.nychealthandhospitals.org/careers/ for more information and other opportunities.
NYC Housing Development Corporation
Senior Insurance Analyst https://www.nychdc.com/careers?jobviteiframe=job%2FojRBsfwX - Salary: $80,000--$90,000 (annual)
Senior Project Manager, Development https://www.nychdc.com/careers?jobviteiframe=job%2FoByBsfwW - Salary: $95,000--$105,000 (annual)
Senior Portfolio Manager, Public Housing https://www.nychdc.com/careers?jobviteiframe=job%2FoiHBsfwM - Salary: $90,000--$110,000 (annual)
NYC Office of the Chief Medical Examiner
Director of Human Resources & Labor Relations https://cityjobs.nyc.gov/job/director-of-human-resources-and-labor-relations-in-nyc-all-boros-jid-21048 - Salary: $110,000--$138,000 (annual) - Job ID# 628818
Forensic Photographer https://cityjobs.nyc.gov/job/forensic-photographer-in-nyc-all-boros-jid-22384 - Salary: $47,205 (annual) - Job ID# 632888
Forensic X-Ray Technician https://cityjobs.nyc.gov/job/x-ray-technician-in-nyc-all-boros-jid-19627 - Salary: $53,567--$60,531 (annual) - Job ID# 623755
Director of Labor Relations & Special Projects https://cityjobs.nyc.gov/job/director-of-labor-relations-and-special-projects-in-nyc-all-boros-jid-23011 – Salary: $110,000--$130,000 – Job ID# 635132
NYC Police Pension Fund
Agency Attorney, Pension Section https://cityjobs.nyc.gov/job/agency-attorney-in-manhattan-jid-21321 - Salary: $69,090--$79,454 (annual) - Job ID# 629757
NYC School Construction Authority
Design Project Manager (Senior Construction Assessment Specialist) (two positions) https://nycsca.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/External_Career_Site/details/Design-Project-Manager--Senior-Construction-Assessment-Specialist-_R-FY24-6-1 - Salary: $89,083--$131,447 (annual) - NYCSCA Job ID# R-FY24-6
Program Manager (A/E Design Consultant Management Studio) https://nycsca.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/External_Career_Site/details/Program-Manager--A-E-Design-Consultant-Management-Studio-_R-FY24-155 - Salary: $105,159--$145,000 (annual) - NYCSCA Job ID# R-FY24-155
Quality Assurance Specialist (Electrical) https://nycsca.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/External_Career_Site/details/Quality-Assurance-Specialist--Electrical-_R-FY24-153-1 - Salary: $70,457--$119,266 (annual) - NYCSCA Job ID# R-FY24-153
Office of the NYC Comptroller
Attorney, Litigation Unit (three positions) https://cityjobs.nyc.gov/job/attorney-litigation-unit-3-positions-in-manhattan-jid-18082 - Salary: $85,000--$95,000 (annual) - Job ID# 617807
Mental Health Policy Analyst https://cityjobs.nyc.gov/job/mental-health-policy-analyst-in-manhattan-jid-22365 - Salary: $80,000--$90,000 (annual) - Job ID# 633063
Internship and Fellowship Opportunities for Current High School, Undergraduate and Graduate Students
Please visit our career page https://cityjobs.nyc.gov/ to view and apply for college aide and summer intern positions available across the city. Enter College Aide or Intern in the Business Title search box to see all positions currently available.
For more information about specific internship and fellowship programs such as Urban Fellows and the New York Summer Internship Program, visit our Internships and Fellowships page https://www.nyc.gov/site/dcas/employment/internship-and-fellowships.page.
NYC Administration for Children’s Services
Summer College Intern, Division of Family Permanency Services https://cityjobs.nyc.gov/job/summer-college-intern-in-manhattan-jid-22402 - Salary: $16.39--$17.50 (hourly) - Job ID# 631920
NYC Campaign Finance Board
Multimedia Content Intern (College Intern) https://cityjobs.nyc.gov/job/multimedia-content-intern-in-manhattan-jid-22664 - Salary: $16.00--$17.39 (hourly) - Job ID# 634026 0
NYC Department for the Aging
College Aide, Press & Public Information https://cityjobs.nyc.gov/job/college-aide-in-manhattan-jid-22740 - Salary: $15.50--$19.90 (hourly) - Job ID# 627027
NYC Department of Citywide Administrative Services
College Aide, City Store https://cityjobs.nyc.gov/job/college-aide-in-nyc-all-boros-jid-11836 - Salary: $15.50--$19.90 (hourly) - Job ID# 587884
Graduate Intern, Citywide Equity & Inclusion (CEI https://www.nyc.gov/assets/dcas/downloads/pdf/employment/summerinterns/2024/dcas-2024-002-ceiI-graduate-ceiI-intern.pdf) - Salary: $21.00 (hourly)
City Service Corps (AmeriCorps): Policy, Program and Recruitment Associate, Citywide Equity & Inclusion https://df2000001ms2meag.my.salesforce.com/sfc/p/#f2000001MS2m/a/5e000000ncPa/FmiA1.r5irvsmB02x05PPsiKOAhXV1gbayoc1QPI0q8 – Salary: ten-month stipend of $21,250 plus $5,176 education award and other benefits
City Service Corps (AmeriCorps): Recruitment Outreach Associate, Citywide Equity & Inclusion https://df2000001ms2meag.my.salesforce.com/sfc/p/#f2000001MS2m/a/5e000000nclo/LuiTDZ2qSDR1WLX0BA3rTgSgg9Y5HAu9xIP9QV0DG1U – Salary: Salary: ten-month stipend of $21,250 plus $5,176 education award and other benefits
NYC Department of Correction
EEO Summer Legal Graduate Intern (two positions) https://cityjobs.nyc.gov/job/eeo-summer-legal-intern-in-queens-jid-22202 - Salary: $21.00 (hourly) - Job ID# 632517
Policy and Procedures Unit Summer College Intern https://cityjobs.nyc.gov/job/policy-and-procedures-unit-summer-college-intern-in-queens-jid-22181 - Salary: $16.00 (hourly) - Job ID# 632512
Special Investigation K9 Unit Summer College Intern https://cityjobs.nyc.gov/job/special-investigation-k9-unit-summer-college-intern-in-queens-jid-22175 - Salary: $16.00 (hourly) - Job ID# 632505
NYC Department of Cultural Affairs
Graduate Intern: Panel Notetaker (two positions) https://cityjobs.nyc.gov/job/panel-notetaker-in-manhattan-jid-22183 - Salary: $15.93--$24.73 (hourly) - Job ID# 631775
Graduate Research Intern, Culture at Risk initiative https://cityjobs.nyc.gov/job/research-intern-in-manhattan-jid-22186 - Salary: $15.93--$24.73 (hourly) - Job ID# 631777
NYC Department of Design & Construction
Summer Graduate Internship, Office of Commissioner (Borough-Based Jails Program) https://cityjobs.nyc.gov/job/summer-graduate-intern-in-manhattan-jid-19999 (two positions) - $15.93--$22.00 (hourly) - Job# 624754
NYC Department of Environmental Protection
Summer College Intern, Strategic Planning, Bureau of Water and Sewer Operations https://cityjobs.nyc.gov/job/2024-bwso-014-strategic-planning-intern-in-queens-jid-22192 - Salary: $16.00 (hourly) - Job ID# 632277
Summer College Intern: Bureau of Water and Sewer Operations, Engineering Draining & Modeling https://cityjobs.nyc.gov/job/2024-bwso-002-engineering-drainage-and-modeling-intern-in-nyc-all-boros-jid-22010 (two positions) - Salary: $16.00 (hourly) - Job ID# 631213
Summer College Intern: Digital Transformation/ Information Technology https://cityjobs.nyc.gov/job/2024-bwt-006-digital-transformation-information-technology-intern-in-queens-jid-22039 - Salary: $16.00 (hourly) - Job ID# 631235
NYC Department of Health & Mental Hygiene
OCME College Intern (Administration) https://cityjobs.nyc.gov/job/ocme-summer-college-intern-in-nyc-all-boros-jid-22688 (two positions) - Salary: $15.00--$17.50 (hourly) - Job ID# 634197
College Aide, Bureau of Food Safety & Community Sanitation https://cityjobs.nyc.gov/job/college-aide-bureau-of-food-safety-and-community-sanitation-in-nyc-all-boros-jid-22615 (11 positions) - Salary: $15.50--$19.90 (hourly) - Job ID# 633181
NYC Department of Investigation
Summer College Aide https://cityjobs.nyc.gov/job/summer-college-aide-in-manhattan-jid-21861 (various units, eight positions) - Salary: $15.50--$19.90 (hourly) - Job ID# 631912
NYC Department of Transportation
College Aide: Planning Intern, Division of Transportation Planning and Management (TPM) https://cityjobs.nyc.gov/job/planning-intern-tpm-in-manhattan-jid-22123 - Salary: $15.50--$19.90 (hourly) - Job ID# 632111
NYC Mayor's Office of Contract Services
College Summer Intern, Technology Helpdesk https://cityjobs.nyc.gov/job/helpdesk-intern-in-manhattan-jid-21978 - Salary: $17.00- $18.00 (hourly) - Job ID# 631897
NYC Office of Management & Budget
Summer College Intern: Property and Aggregate Revenue, Tax Policy & Economic Analysis https://cityjobs.nyc.gov/job/summer-college-intern-property-and-aggregate-revenue-in-manhattan-jid-21760 - Salary: $16.50 (hourly) - Job ID# 631709
NYC Taxi & Limousine Commission
College Aide, Legal Affairs https://cityjobs.nyc.gov/job/tlc-college-aide-legal-affairs-in-manhattan-jid-22127 - Salary: $15.50--$16.00 (hourly) - Job ID# 632282
NYC Service AmeriCorps Programs
Make an impact on your community and grow as a civic leader with a year of national service! NYC Service AmeriCorps members serve at City agencies or NYC nonprofits, dedicating 10-month terms (September to June) to meaningful capacity-building projects. Whether conducting outreach, developing awareness campaigns, or recruiting new volunteers, AmeriCorps members contribute their time and skills to effecting positive change within New York City neighborhoods. Learn more at NYC Service’s Americorps webpage. https://www.nycservice.org/national_service
New York City Law Department Internship
The New York City Law Department has employment opportunities for current law students both during and after law school. Programs include Summer Externships, Summer Honors Internships, and paid school-year positions. Visit the Law Department’s website https://www.nyc.gov/site/law/careers/current-law-students.page for more information.
NYC Parks Ranger Conservation Corps
The Ranger Conservation Corps is an internship program for high school students who are interested in the natural world or environmental issues. Interns work with Urban Park Rangers on environmental restoration in natural areas in New York City’s flagship parks. RCC Interns receive community service hours and may go on exciting field trips including canoeing, overnight camping and more. Internships take place one afternoon a week over an eight-week session in the fall or spring. Session dates are flexible, and registration is on a rolling basis year-round.
Visit the Ranger Conservation Corps web page https://www.nycgovparks.org/programs/rangers/conservation-corps to apply.
New York City Summer Internship Program (SIP)
The City of New York Summer Internship Program provides over 100 accessible summer intern job postings to college students currently enrolled, as well as recent graduates. In addition to gaining experience working for the City of New York, SIP interns are also offered opportunities for professional development, training, and guidance on civil service employment.
For more information on participating agencies, eligibility, and the application process, visit the Summer Internship Program page https://www.nyc.gov/site/dcas/employment/internship-and-fellowships-summer-internship-program.page.
Week In Review | May 12 – May 18
Our economic recovery has been remarkable, and we are unlocking new avenues for growth every day. Whether its visionary ideas like the ‘Harbor of the Future’ or supporting small businesses, we are building a city where every New Yorker can find a good job thanks to all your hard work.
Hear From Eric
The Adams administration is dedicated to cutting through the noise and delivering information directly to you and all New Yorkers.
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