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Open now7:37 left before closing time 16:45(EST)
- 2nd FL, New York, New York, 10016 4337 US
- NY最大の医療機関グループ「マウントサイナイ・ヘルスシステム」によって運営されるクリニックです。日本語による医療をご提供しています。
- General hospital / medical center/Dentist/Physician
Open now12:52 left before closing time 22:00(EST)
Zoni Language Centers (ゾニ・ランゲージセンター)
- , New York, New York, 10001 US
- マンハッタン内で最大級!ゾニ・ランゲージセンターは、国際的な語学教育をリードする有名校の1つです。世界中から集まる友達と一緒に英語を学んで、もっと英語生活を楽しもう!
- Language school/Studying abroad
Open now10:52 left before closing time 20:00(EST)
Ishitani Health center
- , Fort Lee, New Jersey, 07024 US
- Established in 2004. We treat from the root cause without worrying about side effects such as drugs or surgery...
- Chiropractic / Osteopathy/Acupuncture / Moxibustion / Shiatu / Massage
Open now7:52 left before closing time 17:00(EST)
Maser Dental Group
- , Edgewater, NJ, 07020 US
- ニュージャージーミツワマーケット別館の歯科医院。一般歯科/審美歯科/小児歯科/ホワイトニング。日本人スタッフが常駐!親切丁寧に日本語でご説明いたします。
- Dentist
Open now14:47 left before closing time 23:55(EST)
Oxford Property Group Oe-Hayakawa Team
- 12th Floor, New York, NY, 10018 U.S.A.
- License : New York State Real Estate Salesperson
- New York City Real Estate for Rent ・ Brokerage for sale. Many free listings of luxury apartments in Manhattan,...
- Real estate/Apartment / Townhouse/Property investment
Open now8:52 left before closing time 18:00(PST)
Aozora Gakuen LLC
- 2nd Floor, Suite 2, Clinton Hill, NY, 11238 US
- License : NY州認可Preschool
- It is the only bilingual kindergarten in Brooklyn in Japanese and English.
- Preschool / Kindergarten / Nursery
Open now10:52 left before closing time 20:00(EST)
- #810, New York, New York, 10018 US
- ニューヨークでの旅は、ニューヨークハンドル専門の当社で。1つでも多くのありがとう!をいただけるように、ご希望に合わせたカスタマイズツアーから、通訳・各分野専門ガイドの手配まで!
- Travel agency
Open now7:52 left before closing time 17:00(PST)
Shirakura Dental Office
- , Armonk, New York, 10504 アメリカ合衆国
- Shirakura Dental is located in Westchester. General dentistry, prosthodontics, crowns, bridges, implants, and ...
- Dentist
Open now10:52 left before closing time 20:00(PST)
Gom Moving
- #17, Ridgefield, New Jersey, 07657 U.S.
- New York/New Jersey moving company. From residential to office relocation, we can handle all your moving needs...
- Moving / Forwarding
Open now9:52 left before closing time 19:00(PST)
Global ESL Academy
- Suite 501, New York, New York, 10001 USA
- License : NYS Education Department Licensed
- Teach you Academy English
- Language school
Open now8:52 left before closing time 18:00(EST)
Oka-dome Kogyo
- , Jersey City, NJ, 07302 US
- Resident ・ Please contact us if you need help with store repairs or maintenance.
- Water / Gas / Electricity/Kitchen maintenance/Other repair
Open now14:52 left before closing time 24:00(EST)
Open now8:52 left before closing time 18:00(EST)
Waterside Dental Care
- Fl 1, New York, New York, 10010 2602 アメリカ合衆国
- 「少しでも痛みの少ない治療」をモットーにしています。日本語でお気軽にご相談ください。
- Dentist
Open now14:52 left before closing time 24:00(PST)
Brooklyn Japanese American Family Association (BJAFA)
- #C4-4, Brooklyn, NY, 11231 US
- The Brooklyn Japanese American Family Association is a non-profit organization licensed by the State of NY and...
- NPO / Nonprofit organization/Parenting / Child care/Japanese language Class
Open now7:52 left before closing time 17:00(EST)
Fuji Driving School, Inc.
- Ste. 1011, New York, NY, 10036 US
- ニューヨーク No.1 Driving School!ニューヨークでの免許取得は安心・安全のフジドライビングスクールへ!
- Driving school/Other Specialist
Open now7:52 left before closing time 17:00(EST)
Charles K. Loving, Jr., M.D.
- , New York, New York, 10028 437 アメリカ合衆国
- 「自分だけで悩んでいるよりも一歩踏み出してみませんか?」費用の面から、事前のカウンセリング、アフターフォローまでしっかりと日本語で安心のサポート。
- Cosmetic surgery/Skincare
Open now7:52 left before closing time 17:00(PST)
Park Avenue Stem Cell
- , New York, New York, 10022 US
- Stem cells are naturally healing cells that can regenerate themselves, rather than being born and dying like o...
- Other Hospital Clinic
Open now7:52 left before closing time 17:00(EST)
Vixsol LLC
- Suite 1409, New York, NY, 10017 US
- We provide professional services for all IT-related tasks.
- Other Specialist
Open now8:52 left before closing time 18:00(EST)
TOP / New York
- #1102, New York, New York, 10001 アメリカ合衆国
- ニューヨークでの転職活動はTOPにお任せください!豊富な分野、業種、職種より、1人1人にあった職業をご紹介させて頂きます。
- Staffing agency/Employment / Internship support
Open now8:52 left before closing time 18:00(PST)
worvie (ワーヴィー)
Open now8:52 left before closing time 18:00(EST)
Drs. Farkas, Kassalow, Resnick & Associates, P.C.
- , Roslyn, NY, 11576 US
- 1958年の開業時以来コンタクトレンズフィッティングの専門医であり300種類以上のレンズを扱っております。日本人スタッフが常勤しておりますのでご予約から診察まで日本語で対応致します。
- Ophthalmologist
Open now8:52 left before closing time 18:00(PST)
Love & Compassion Integrative Healing Center
Open now7:52 left before closing time 17:00(EST)
Iwahara, Makoto M.D.
- Ofc 1C, New York, New York, 10075 アメリカ合衆国
- レノックス・ヒル病院と提携する、内科、消化器科専門医。アッパーイーストで開業。胃腸、大腸の無痛内視鏡検査のほか、一般内科、健康診断も行う。
- Gastroenterology/Physician
Open now11:22 left before closing time 20:30(PST)
City Physical Therapy, P.C. Downtwon
- , New York, New York, 10013 アメリカ合衆国
- Japanese language services ! Treats all orthopedic and sports injuries/diseases, workplace injuries and auto a...
- Rehabilitation/Occupational therapy
Open now8:52 left before closing time 18:00(PST)
- St 1E, Greenwich, Connecticut, 06830 アメリカ合衆国
- Specializing in cosmetic dentistry and implants, Dr. Cohen offers a full range of dental services in Greenwich...
- Dentist
Open now8:52 left before closing time 18:00(JST)
Eye Of Japan
- , New York, New York, 10003 US
- アメリカにいながら、日本の商品をお好きなだけいろいろとお買い物することができます。もう日本のお友達やご家族に煩わしい国際発送をお願いしなくてもいいのです。 当社はあなたの元へ、まとめ発送をする、あなたの強い味方です。
- Online shopping / Mail order/Moving / Forwarding/Other Specialist
Open now12:52 left before closing time 22:00(EST)
OPMI School
- 2nd FL, New York, New York, 10038 US
- 多彩なビジネスコースを取り揃えた語学学校!ニューヨーク・マンハッタンの中心部という絶好のロケーションで、将来に生かせるビジネススキルと英語力を磨いていきませんか?
- Language school/Business / Technical school/Technical / Vocational / Special school
Open now7:22 left before closing time 16:30(EST)
GEOS Language Plus New York
- Suite#300, New York, New York, 10004 US
- License : ACCET認可校。スタッフはNY州発行のSchool Agent Certificate保持。
- 【無料体験レッスン受付中】ビジネス、大学進学、IELTS、TOEFL試験対策に!英語が学べるGEOS NY校。日本人スタッフ常駐なので、日本語でのカウンセリングが可能です。海外生活もしっかりサポート!
- Language school/Studying abroad
Open now11:52 left before closing time 21:00(EST)
- Suite 909, New York, New York, 10018 US
- Amlotus ( Emlotus ) is a language school conveniently located in Midtown. We offer high quality instruction to...
- Language school
Open now8:52 left before closing time 18:00(EST)
Robert D. Lipschutz, D.M.D., PC
- Ste 705, New York (ミッドタウン), New York, 10019 2802 アメリカ合衆国
- 患者の歯の健康を総合的に診察し、患者と長期的な関係を構築し、必要に応じて専門医を紹介する、ファミリー・ドクターです。
- Dentist
Open now7:52 left before closing time 17:00(PST)
Manhattan Wellness Medical Care - Purchase Westchester
- Ste 401, Purchase, New York, 10577 アメリカ合衆国
- 疾病予防から診断による包括的できめ細やかな総合医療サービスを実現し、全ての日本人の方が健康で安心した海外生活を送れるように設立された総合医療施設です。
- Physician/Pediatrician/Obstetrician / Gynecology
Open now8:52 left before closing time 18:00(PST)
Open now7:52 left before closing time 17:00(PST)
Chelsea Dental Arts
- , New York, New York, 10011 アメリカ合衆国
- Chelsea Dental Artsは、ニューヨーク市チェルシーの中心に位置し、歯科医療のクオリティーを重視した小規模でアットホーム歯科医院です。
- Dentist
Open now13:52 left before closing time 23:00(EST)
- , New York, New York, 10022 US
- 日本で話題のパーソナルトレーニングジム!ダイエットのプロの個別サポートで正しいダイエットを楽しく!
- Exercise
Open now8:22 left before closing time 17:30(EST)
JTB U.S.A., Inc. - Jersey City Office
- Suite 702, Jersey City, NJ, 07302 US
- ビジネスクラス、格安航空券、ルックアメリカンツアーも好評販売中!
- Travel agency
Open now8:52 left before closing time 18:00(PST)
New York Asian Women’s Center
- Suite #200, ニューヨーク, ニューヨーク州, 10053 アメリカ合衆国
- 24時間無料相談:高度なトレーニングを受けたヘルプライン アドボケイトが DV 、人身売買、性的暴力、高齢者虐待などについて一般的な質問にお答えいたします。
- Spiritual counseling/Counseling/Parenting / Child care
Open now7:52 left before closing time 17:00(PST)
H. Khym, D.D.S.
- , Mamaroneck, New York, 10543 アメリカ合衆国
- ウェストチェスターで信頼のおける歯科医院です。正確で丁寧な治療を提供しています。日本語でお気軽にお問い合わせください。
- Dentist
Open now8:52 left before closing time 18:00(PST)
H. H. Cooper Jr., DDS
- , New York, New York, 10022 アメリカ合衆国
- 審美歯科/歯科矯正/予防・一般歯科/歯周治療/インプラント 健康なライフスタイルの基本は健康な歯から!初回コンサルティング無料です。
- Dentist
Open now8:22 left before closing time 17:30(EST)
Hiromu Imaeda, D.M.D.
- , Cresskill, NJ, 07626 1022 US
- 治療開始前に治療法、期間、費用を日本語で必ずご説明しますので安心して治療に専念できます。フォートリーからも便利な場所にあります。
- Dentist
Open now14:52 left before closing time 24:00(EST)
Drs. Farkas, Kassalow, Resnick & Associates, P.C.
- #201, New York, NY, 10022 US
- 眼科一般診療、コンタクトレンズ、眼鏡、レーザー視力矯正。日本人スタッフがサポート。海外旅行者保険一部可。
- Ophthalmologist/Glasses / Contact lenses
Open now8:52 left before closing time 18:00(PST)
20 East Medical
- #202, New York (ミッドタウン), New York, 10017 アメリカ合衆国
- 当院では、健康診断、癌検診、海外に渡航される際の処方、そして一般診療を行っております。 完全予約制の為、待ち時間がございません。受付・診察日本語OK
- Physician
Open now14:52 left before closing time 24:00(EST)
Parsons The New School for Design
Open now14:52 left before closing time 24:00(PST)
Nippon Express USA Inc
Open now14:52 left before closing time 24:00(PST)
Open now14:52 left before closing time 24:00(PST)
Open now14:52 left before closing time 24:00(PST)
Open now14:52 left before closing time 24:00(PST)
Open now14:52 left before closing time 24:00(PST)
Open now14:52 left before closing time 24:00(EST)
Grace Institute of Business Technology
Open now14:52 left before closing time 24:00(PST)
- Find local business with Town Guide
- We provide psychiatric ・ psychosomatic m...
Many of these people are experiencing a variety of stresses, such as unfamiliarity with a foreign country, adjustment to a new job or school, cultural and language barriers, and separation from Japane...
+1 (201) 809-3508精神科・心療内科医 松木隆志
- Making the Model Walk a Daily Routine. S...
//Tokyo Models// Tokyo Models, the best runway school in Japan, is finally coming to New York City. Over the years, we have trained many beginners to become the best and have produced numerous inte...
Tokyo Models
- No health insurance ・ ・ ・, Landlord won'...
Japan-America Social Services ( JACY ) is a 501(c)(3)}certified non-profit organization that has been providing social services to residents in and around New York City since its founding in 1981. Our...
+1 (212) 442-1541Japanese American Social Service, Inc. (JASSI)
- Japanese school located in New Jersey an...
・ Early Childhood ・ Stable basic education through integrated elementary education ・ Small class sizes and a family-like atmosphere for growth and learning ・ A lively education with dedicated teache...
+1 (201) 947-4832ニューヨーク育英学園 Japanese Children's Society
- Japanese language tutoring school in New...
This is a tutoring school that teaches Japanese, arithmetic and mathematics. We provide instruction in preparation for, review of, and study methods for the studies usually taught at school. Servic...
+1 (914) 426-0958日本語 算数・数学クラス
- You can transfer your IRA (Individual Re...
Move your IRA ( Individual Retirement Accounts ) to a real estate investment ? Investing in real estate is a lot of work💦 We will find the right investment approach, strategy and property for you !...
+1 (361) 480-2220GoProfuture LLC
- Each of us is creating the future of our...
Let's get started ! Volunteering in New York City ! Join us and start participating in society in a spiritually enriching way ? Experience things you wouldn't normally be able to do, and have heart-t...
+1 (212) 932-7208NY de Volunteer, Inc. (NYdV)
- Weeee!Latest Sale(2月21日〜27日) 🍙 This week...
Weeee!Latest Sale(2月21日〜27日) 🍙 This week you can save on Miyagi Hitomebore rice, super-ripened bread, Ajinomoto dumplings, mackerel mirin yaki, pork belly, chicken thighs, eel and more❤️ Make your tir...
+1 (510) 358-8960Weee!
- GIIP is an accounting firm that provides...
A bridge between the U.S. and Japan for international taxation and international business, GIIP is an accounting firm providing U.S. related solutions for Japanese clients. From corporate incorporatio...
+1 (212) 518-7065GIIP 日米国際会計事務所
- We offer the popular mochi donuts and fr...
Kai Sweets offers pork cutlet curry, omelette rice, hot and iced drinks, tapioca tea, macaroons, strawberry daifuku, cream puffs, crepes, and other sweets. 2019, mochimochi Kai Sweets will also start ...
- Established in 1983, we are the only New...
We have a complete treatment system in collaboration with two full-time psychotherapists and a psychiatrist, and we can also prescribe medication for those who need it. The Japan-America Counseling ...
+1 (212) 720-4560Hamilton-Madison House, Japanese Clinic
- Physical Therapy Clinic + Wellness Cente...
Physical therapy clinic located in front of Grand Central Station in Midtown. Services in Japanese. Overseas traveler's insurance and out-of-network medical insurance are available. We provide root ...
+1 (212) 695-2769Orthopedic Movement Physical Therapy + OMPT ウェルネスセンター
- Enjoy the best combination of stylish at...
In a stylish atmosphere, you can enjoy Manhattan with an izakaya menu, omakase sushi, and a mix of sake and wine.
+1 (212) 986-2800WANO
- Sushi restaurant Sushi Kai offers fresh ...
Sushi restaurant Sushi Kai Omakase course is hearty and filling with fresh fish at an affordable price. We offer a one-hour omakase course for $85 per person, which includes 3 appetizers, 10 pieces ...
+1 (914) 396-7705Sushi Kai
- Our educational philosophy, "Raising Mot...
Our educational philosophy "Nurture children who are serious about what they do" is put into practice in New York as well. Waseda Academy, a preparatory school for those who take junior high school e...
+1 (914) 698-1100WASEDA ACADEMY USA CO., LTD.