「고민 / 상담」 표시중


Booty in a Harlem.

고민 / 상담
  • Hot cake.
  • 메일
  • 2003/03/26 21:26

I wanna stay in Harlem.
I wanna learn cultures.
I wanna friend of Blacks.

who's please information for me,
about Harlem.

I will going to Harlem the year after next.


newyork.craigslist.com will help you to find a place to live in harlem area for sure.
what kind of culture would you like to learn? american culture? or african american culture? what ever, i don`t know how to learn culture. i can feel the difference though. well, if you`re serious about it, just go to the univercity and take some class. it will help.
do you want to be friends with african american? post your add on newyork.craigslist.com
a bunch of monkeies will email to you immediately. just say, i`m japanese and want to be a friend with african american...that`s enough.
good luck

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