Landmark News - April/May 2024
- [สมาชิกที่ลงทะเบียน]City of New York
- [ภาษา]日本語
- [แอเรีย]New York
- วันที่ลงทะเบียน : 2024/05/30
- วันที่โพสต์ : 2024/05/30
- วันเปลี่ยนแปลง : 2024/05/30
- จำนวนรวมของการเปิดดู : 318 คน
- หากท่านต้องค้นหาร้าน โปรดดู [คู่มือแนะนำตัวเมือง]
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+1 (914) 698-1100早稲田アカデミー ニューヨーク校
- ニューヨーク、ニュージャージーにて精神科・心療内科診療、お薬の処方、心理療法(サ...
+1 (201) 809-3508精神科・心療内科医 松木隆志
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+1 (212) 932-7208NY de Volunteer, Inc. (NYdV)
- 👘和アロママッサージでリラックス&デトックス✨
Japanese Aroma House crane
- Mala Hot Pot 本格的でモダンな火鍋体験をニューヨークの中心で。
Mala Hot Potは、ニューヨークの中心で本格的かつモダンな火鍋体験をお届けします。本物志向と品質へのこだわりが際立つ。高級肉、新鮮な魚介類、地元産の食材を使ったメニューが楽しめる。看板メニューは、市場でも珍しい柔らかくて新鮮なアヒルの血や、高級肉、シーフード、野菜のセレクションに、贅沢な神戸牛を味わえるデラックス・プラッターなど。
+1 (646) 582-4049Mala Hot Pot
- BCネットワーク(ニュージャージー)は乳がん治療後の生活の取り組み、乳がん早期発...
BCネットワークは,アメリカ認定の非営利団体です。 日米両国に在住の日本人女性達に乳がんに関する最新の情報 、乳がん治療後の生活の取り組み、乳がん早期発見、 啓発情報発信を押し進めていく非営利団体です。 Knowledge is power. 正しい知識は患者自身の力、支えになると信じて活動しています 。
+1 (201) 400-9629Young Japanese Breast Cancer Network / NJ
- モデルウォークを日常に。 サステナブルな自分を創るスクール
//Tokyo Models//国内ベストワンRunway School Tokyo ModelsがいよいよNYに上陸します。何年にも渡り多数の初心者をベストトレーニング、その後数々の海外コレクション、コンテストグランプリなどを輩出。NYファッションウィーク現場のマンハッタンにてTokyoから直接指導を受けられますニューヨーク、ニューヨーク近郊の方々対象に、東京からオンラインにて直接指導を受けられ...
Tokyo Models
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ニューヨークの地で永住・駐在で暮らしている日本人女性たちが和気あいあいとした雰囲気で活動しております! 練習は毎週水曜日10~12時、スカースデールの教会で行っています。
女声コーラスグループ 花みずき
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JVTA ロサンゼルス校では現在、4/22/2025から始まるクラスの受講生を大募集! 皆様のご希望に合わせ、無料の個別カウンセリングを行います。🌸お気軽にご連絡ください!🌸お試しクラスは、$656~受講可能✨
+1 (310) 316-3121Japan Visualmedia Translation Academy / 日本映像翻訳アカデミー
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+1 (212) 720-4560Hamilton-Madison House, Japanese Clinic
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+1 (646) 912-9644Aube Beauty Salon New York
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+1 (212) 391-9111Interesse International Inc.
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Kai Sweetsでは、ポークカツカレーやオムライス、ホット/アイスドリンクやタピオカティー、マカロン、いちご大福、シュークリーム、クレープなどのスイーツを提供しております。2019年からは、mochimochi Kai Sweetsでもちドーナツも提供し始めました。そして、2022年にはKai Creameryをオープンいたしました!しぼりたてモンブランのせソフトクリーム、バブルシェイクなども...
April/May 2024 Newsletter
April/May 2024 Newsletter
Inside This Issue
May is Preservation Month #news1
LPC Designates Old Croton Aqueduct Walk as the Bronx's First Scenic Landmark #news2
LPC Designates the Heckscher Building (now the Crown Building) #news3
LPC Approves New Rules #news4
In Memoriam #news5
Commissioner Chen Honored #news6
LPC in the Community #news7
Looking Ahead #news8
In Case You Missed It: LPC in the News #news9
undefinedMay is Preservation Month!
We joined the National Trust for Historic Preservation – and our fellow preservation organizations around the country – to celebrate Preservation Month, an annual event to commemorate and honor our historic resources.
Historic Preservation….
Fosters neighborhood pride: Preservation brings communities together through pride of place and the stories that connect us to our shared history and culture.
Revitalizes communities and supports economic development by promoting investment into existing buildings and neighborhoods. LPC issues over 12,000 permits each year for work on designated buildings, and hundreds of millions of dollars are invested annually into New York Citys historic buildings, creating jobs for thousands of New Yorkers and helping support our city's economic success.
Contributes to our city's economic success: Our historic districts and landmark buildings and sites attract residents, tourists, and businesses, and are part of what makes our city one of the world's top tourist destinations.
Advances sustainability: The collection of buildings in our historic districts and designated individual landmark sites have an important role to play as we work to make our city more environmentally sustainable and climate resilient. By investing in our existing buildings and the updates that will help make them climate resilient and energy efficient, our historic structures and sites become part of the solution.
undefinedLPC Designates Old Croton Aqueduct Walk as the Bronx's First Scenic Landmark
Introducing the city's newest scenic landmark – and the very first scenic landmark in the Bronx! On April 16th, the Commission celebrated the 50th anniversary of scenic landmarks in New York City by voting unanimously to designate Old Croton Aqueduct Walk https://www.nyc.gov/assets/lpc/downloads/pdf/proposed_landmarks/Old_Croton_Aqueduct_Walk_proposed.pdf as the city's 12th scenic landmark.
A 4.9-acre linear park stretching 1.4 miles through the Fordham and University Heights neighborhoods, Aqueduct Walk features a public walkway built atop the embankment of the Old Croton Aqueduct Walk, an engineering marvel and model of urban infrastructure that brought the first direct water supply to New York City in 1842.
Aqueduct Walk quickly became a popular walking trail for the surrounding neighborhoods of Fordham and University Heights – and has continued to be a beloved public space for the community since becoming part of NYC Parks in 1930.
Learn more about the Bronx's first scenic landmark. https://www.nyc.gov/site/lpc/about/pr2024/lpc-celebrates-50-years-of-scenic-landmarks-20240416.page
undefinedLPC Designates the Heckscher Building (now the Crown Building)
On May 14th, the Commission designated the Heckscher Building (now the Crown Building) as New York City's newest individual landmark. The ornate French Renaissance-style building is one of Fifth Avenue's best known and most visible early skyscrapers, and one of the first to conform to the 1916 Zoning Resolution requiring tall buildings to taper as they rose to allow light and air to reach the street in order to improve the health and quality of life of New York City residents.
Learn more about the Heckscher Building (now the Crown Building). https://www.nyc.gov/site/lpc/about/pr2024/lpc-designates-the-heckscher-building-20240514.page
undefinedLPC Approves New Rules
In May, the Commission approved a series of new rules designed to promote New York City's continued economic growth, including amendments to support restaurants in historic districts and the vibrancy and vitality of our city's streetscape by streamlining the installation of sidewalk and roadway cafes in the Dining Out NYC program.
Details about the new LPC rules for sidewalk and roadway cafes in historic districts https://www.nyc.gov/site/lpc/about/pr2024/lpc-approves-new-rules-regarding-sidewalk.page, as well as more information about all LPC rules and the rulemaking process https://www.nyc.gov/site/lpc/applications/lpc-rules.page can be found on our website.
undefinedIn Memoriam
It is with tremendous sadness that we share the news that Margaret McMahon, a long-time LPC staff member, passed away earlier this month. Margaret was a true institution at the Commission, with more than 35 years of service and a steadfast commitment to the work and mission of the agency. She spent many years as part of LPC's Preservation Department, supporting Commissioners, agency staff, and members of the public, and over the past decade served as LPC's Director of Administration. With her calm, friendly demeanor and deep institutional knowledge, she was an invaluable member of the agency, sharing her experiences and helping welcome and train so many of the staff who joined LPC over the years, and relished helping members of the public. Margaret was deeply committed to safeguarding LPC's records and history, and proudly served as the agency's Records Management Officer. She will be deeply missed by LPC's staff and the preservation community.
undefinedCommissioner Chen Honored
LPC Commissioner Wellington Chen was named to the inaugural Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Power Players list by PoliticsNY and amNY Metro. Launched in honor of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage month, the list celebrates the leaders and advocates who are shaping the future of our city. Congrats, Commissioner Chen!
Read Commissioner Chen's interview here. https://politicsny.com/power-lists/aapi-power-players-2024/page/2/#wellington-chen
undefinedLPC in the Community
Discussing Financial Benefits Available for Landmark Property Owners
On April 6, LPC's Senior Landmarks Preservationist Caroline Pasion joined Save Harlem Now! for a community forum on the financial benefits available for landmark property owners. It was a great opportunity to meet many members of the community and share info on LPC's Historic Preservation Grant Program. Our thanks to Save Harlem Now!, event sponsor New York State Senator Cordell Cleare, the Friendship Baptist Church in Harlem, and everyone who turned out for this wonderful community forum. To learn more about the Historic Preservation Grant Program: https://www.nyc.gov/site/lpc/about/historic-preservation-grant-program.page https://www.nyc.gov/site/lpc/about/historic-preservation-grant-program.page
Talking to Students About Preservation Careers
On April 17th, LPC's Senior Landmarks Preservationist Caroline Pasion was a guest speaker at Manhattan's Stephen T. Mather Building Arts & Craftsmanship High School's career day, talking about LPC's work and discussing the opportunities available in the field of preservation. The students were engaged, insightful, and asked fantastic questions — our thanks to Mather's leadership team for inviting us to this fantastic event.
Celebrating the Designation of Old Croton Aqueduct Walk Scenic Landmark
On May 2nd, LPC joined the Friends of Aqueduct Walk, Bronx Community Board 5, Partnership for Parks, and many other local community organizations to celebrate the designation of Old Croton Aqueduct Walk as the Bronx's first scenic landmark. Our thanks to this special group of community advocates who have supported this designation every step of the way, and to everyone who stopped by LPC's table!
undefinedLooking Ahead
2024 continues to be an incredibly productive year for LPC, with multiple sites currently calendared for consideration as potential NYC landmarks.
Brooklyn: Brooklyn Edison Building https://www.nyc.gov/assets/lpc/downloads/pdf/proposed_landmarks/Brooklyn_Edison_Building_proposed.pdf
Brooklyn: Willoughby-Hart Proposed Historic District https://www.nyc.gov/assets/lpc/downloads/pdf/proposed_landmarks/WIlloughby-Hart_proposed.pdf
Manhattan: Temple Court Building (now The Beekman Hotel) Atrium https://www.nyc.gov/assets/lpc/downloads/pdf/proposed_landmarks/Temple_Court_Building_Atrium_proposed.pdf
Manhattan: 1 Wall Street Banking Room Interior (also known as the Red Room) https://www.nyc.gov/assets/lpc/downloads/pdf/proposed_landmarks/1_Wall_Street_Banking_Room_Interior_proposed.pdf
Staten Island: Frederick Douglas Memorial Park https://www.nyc.gov/assets/lpc/downloads/pdf/proposed_landmarks/Frederick_Douglass_Memorial_Park_proposed.pdf
Once dates have been set for the next public hearings/meetings for these proposed landmarks, that information will be posted on the hearings page https://www.nyc.gov/site/lpc/hearings/hearings.page of LPC's website.
undefinedIn Case You Missed It: LPC in the News
NYC's gilded Crown Building is landmarked
https://www.6sqft.com/nycs-gilded-crown-building-is-landmarked/6sqft, May 16
Fifth Avenue skyscraper, home of Aman resort, named historic landmark
https://pix11.com/news/local-news/manhattan/fifth-avenue-skyscraper-home-of-aman-resort-named-historic-landmark/PIX11, May 14, 2024
LPC Streamlines Sidewalk Cafes For Historic District Restaurants In Dining Out NYC
https://www.harlemworldmagazine.com/lpc-streamlines-sidewalk-cafes-for-historic-district-restaurants-in-dining-out-nyc/Harlem World, May 9
Old Croton Aqueduct designated as 1st New York City scenic landmark in Bronx
https://abc7ny.com/old-croton-aqueduct-in-the-bronx-designated-as-1st-scenic-destination-borough/14761714/ABC7NY, May 3
Old Croton Aqueduct Becomes The Bronx's First-Ever Scenic Landmark
https://www.thecity.nyc/2024/05/02/old-croton-aqueduct-statue-landmark/TheCity, May 2
Landmarks approves rest hub for NYC delivery workers next to City Hall Park
https://www.6sqft.com/hub-approved-for-nyc-delivery-workers-at-city-hall-park/6sqft, April 17
'The bodies have expired, the dreams haven't;' This Staten Island cemetery could earn NYC landmark status
https://www.silive.com/news/2024/04/the-bodies-have-expired-the-dreams-havent-this-staten-island-cemetery-could-earn-nyc-landmark-status.htmlSI Live, April 16
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