851. | 語学学校(3kview/1res) | お悩み・相談 | 2003/05/03 03:08 |
852. | pen friend について(4kview/0res) | お悩み・相談 | 2003/04/29 01:44 |
853. | 武田麻弓さん(5kview/2res) | フリートーク | 2003/04/22 19:23 |
854. | BELL(8kview/4res) | フリートーク | 2003/04/21 13:13 |
855. | NYの大学(10kview/12res) | お悩み・相談 | 2003/04/20 20:00 |
856. | ALCC(10kview/6res) | フリートーク | 2003/04/18 13:31 |
857. | 観光ビザ(5kview/0res) | お悩み・相談 | 2003/04/12 07:06 |
858. | ベビーシッター(6kview/1res) | フリートーク | 2003/04/05 02:01 |
859. | 私の友人がエイズ!(33kview/66res) | フリートーク | 2003/04/03 01:43 |
860. | ベビーシッターをご存知の方(3kview/0res) | お悩み・相談 | 2003/04/02 23:18 |
- #1
- jj
- 2002/10/28 23:23
- #48
- #49
I never disrespected your family. It was just a question. You could've just answered, "Yes, they taught me moral," or "No, they didn't teach me moral." Well, it's good that you have found someone like me in the "entire universe." It seems that you even don't know how to argue. If you wanna "argue," get rid of all these dirty words. The use of these words tell people that you are not capable of pressing our perspective and that the only way to possiblly impose upon your opinion is by using your language that is not acceptable to intelligent people. You said that you are on the Dean's List. When you write a paper (don't tell me that you've never written a paper), do you use this kind of speech? Or, is it that you can be on the list even if you fail? Well, I'll tell you what. You are preoccupied. I actually didn't say that ALL men are garbage. I said, "men are...." I didn't specify quantity, so it means that I was talking in terms of generality. And one more thing. You are even worse. I said that men are garbage. But shit is even worse. I didn't say all men are shit.
- #50
To Anonymous and Coyote.
The future gets only worse because people don't respect old traditions. It is a good thing that we have flexibility to incorporate "new" things. But it is only when the incorporation leads to a better future. For example, do you say that, because America obtained nuclear weapon (new thing) at the end of the WWII, the world is a better place now? It is true, according to some people (not me), that the war ended because of the nuclear bombing. But the U.S. government actually knew that Japan was about to surrender and that the use of the weapon was not necessary to end the war. America just wanted to use Japan as an experiment. I strongly oppose nuclear proliferation. But I'm just trying to illistrate that "incorporation of new things" does not always lead to better future. If there had been no nuclear weapon at the end of the war, many Japanese people would not have died and suffered.
I strongly and absolutely agree with Mr. T.D. Sex is one of areas that is getting worse due to an incorporation of new things. If one is really flexible, he/she can appreciate old values without a question. If we know a consequence of our actions, it is much easier to decide what to do. Of course, if a person A knows that he/she will be betrayed by a person B, for example, A will not date B. But the world is not simple. We don't know the consequence of your actions. If you believe that sex is a way to express "love," why are there prostitutes? Men are sex hunters. Women, may be except you, are not.
It is true, Ms. Coyote, that people betray each other by moral. But sex outside of marriage, as Mr. T.D. argues, is against moral. Go ahead and teach your child to have sex before marriage. Are you expecting to be a grandmother even if your child is still a teenager? And do you know the definition of marriage. It is defined as a man and a woman being unified as one. It is according to the law both in the U.S. and Japan. That's why we cannot marry as many people as we want.
To anonymous.
How can you say that the black men got AIDS from a woman? May be he got it from another man.
- #51
I will add one more thing. I agree that people learn from experiences. I agree with you, Ms. Coyote, that we learn to understand other people's pain by actually going through betrayals and painful situations. But sex is not needed to experience love. Love is emotional. Sex is physical. Animals don't have sex becuase they "love" each other. If they loved each other, it's kinda scary... So you have a lover rather than your husband? Then why did you marry him? And how do you teach your child to aviod becoming pregnant and/or getting AIDS? Widely advertised way to prevent these is a use of condoms. But the prevention is not 100%. Or you tell your young child to take pills or insert these stupid tools inside her?
- #52
ちょっと言わせていただきたいのですが... 愛っていったい今の男にあるんでしょうか。男っていったって今いるのはオスであって男性じゃないし、いつも性のことしか考えていない。 だから、”君のこと愛してる”とか言いながら、その女の子が自分のためにパンツ下げないってわかればすぐその子捨てて他の子見つけるだけ。もっとヒドイ場合、一応その子をとっておいてほかに見つける。それってすごく侮辱。多分そういったダラシナイ男は、”自分のこと愛しているなら俺のために何でもやれっ”て失礼なこと平気で言う。私も、結婚前にそういう事するの間違っているって思う。それに、ちゃんとした道徳を教えられないで育った子ってスゴークかわいそう。
“ 私の友人がエイズ! ” に対する書き込みの有効期限は終了しました。
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