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The Mayor's Office to End Domestic and Gender-Based Violence
May 2024
Monthly Newsletter
Mental Health Awareness Month
The Federal Government recognizes May as National Mental Health Awareness Month. As we continue to assist survivors in finding support, we know the impact that domestic and gender-based violence has on mental health. Anyone can experience domestic or gender-based violence (GBV), and for many its impacts include Post Traumatic Stress Disorders (PTSD), Depression, and other mental health diagnoses related to experiences of trauma. In this work, we strive to be mindful of the many ways people cope with traumatic stress and make a cooperative space for them to access the care they need. Our Family Justice Centers (FJC's) are designed to help connect survivors with in-person and remote counseling services from our amazing partner organizations like STEPS to End Family Violence, Greenwich House, and Sanctuary for Families. ENDGBV is also working with NYC Health and Hospitals to provide counseling for adults, children, and groups on site at our FJC's . We will continue to uplift mental health as a core component of care in addressing domestic and gender-based violence for both our clients and our staff.
Project Home
On April 16th, Mayor Adams held a press conference announcing a new pilot program to assist survivors of domestic violence currently residing in DHS shelters with finding permanent housing. The City of New York will be partnering with domestic violence non-profit New Destiny Housing in order to provide housing navigation supports, housing application guidance, and landlord advocacy, all crucial services to help survivors secure housing. The program also includes access to an "aftercare coordinator" who will assist families once they are in their new homes to support skills like financial planning, connections to medical services, and school registration assistance.
In addition to this new program, Mayor Adams announced two important policy victories for survivors: expanded eligibility for supportive housing run by the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH), and Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) to survivors exiting domestic violence shelters. This will give DV survivors another needed avenue to secure permanent housing in a safe and accessible way. ENDGBV will continue to work closely with community-based organizations and our partner agencies to provide information and support on the rollout of both these initiatives.
Denim Day NYC
NYC was decked out in denim for the 25-year Anniversary of Denim Day across the city! At the flagship march and rally from Brooklyn to Manhattan, Deputy Borough President Kim Council kicked us off with a speech on the importance of Denim Day and supporting survivors. Marchers then set out for the Brooklyn Bridge, then into lower Manhattan's Foley Square, where we rallied, celebrated, and stood in solidarity with survivors. Many community-based organizations and several City agencies joined. Check out the photos from events across the city!
Denim Day began in 1999 as a response to a decision from the Italian Supreme Court overturning a rape conviction. The judge who overturned the conviction reasoned that since the victim's jeans were so tight, the assailant could not have taken them off without the victims help, implying consent. Blaming the victim for her own assault based on her clothing was unacceptable, and the public were rightfully outraged. Protests were assembled overnight, including members of the Italian Parliament wearing jeans to show their solidarity for the victim. This outrage and organization resonated with the international community, so much so that the feminist activist organization Peace Over Violence brought Denim Day to Los Angeles. The event was such a success that the rally became an annual occurrence, and sister events began to occur in other major cities across the world. We are a proud member of the Denim Day NYC coalition, which started to hold Denim Day events in 2010 and has been holding annual marches ever since. We are so thankful for the partnership of the entire Denim Day NYC Coalition in planning and organizing these events. Visit @DenimDayNYC on Facebook and Instagram for more videos and pictures.
Get Involved
ENDGBV works closely with the diverse communities in New York City in a variety of ways and here's how you can partner:
Host a Training:
Go to our website to request training with our Training Team. The form to request a training is below
Online Training Request Form https://a002-irm.nyc.gov/EventRegistration/RegForm.aspx?eventGuid=d56eccda-1b89-4981-9af4-7f596d8b93f6
Now Accepting Applications
Full-time positions are now open with our ENDGBV team. To learn how you can apply online or share our openings with your networks, visit New York City's job bank at: https://www.nyc.gov/jobs/index.page https://www1.nyc.gov/jobs/index.page%20 and search by Job ID number.
Deputy Director, Staten Island Family Justice Center https://cityjobs.nyc.gov/job/deputy-director-staten-island-in-brooklyn-jid-20128
Contract Analyst, ENDGBV Headquarters https://cityjobs.nyc.gov/job/contract-analyst-in-manhattan-jid-21668 https://cityjobs.nyc.gov/job/deputy-director-staten-island-in-brooklyn-jid-20128
Check out ENDGBV's recent media coverage on our website, listed here under Press Releases - ENDGBV (nyc.gov) https://www.nyc.gov/site/ocdv/press-resources/press-releases.page. Below you will also see what we are reading!
4/15/24 - WABC-NY (ABC) - New York, NY Eyewitness News at 5 Project Home Segment - TVEyes Media Monitoring Suite - [Transcript] https://mms.tveyes.com/PlaybackPortal.aspx?SavedEditID=ffd037db-f2ea-431a-912e-052263500067
4/16/24 - City Launches Pilot Program to Help Domestic Violence Survivors Access Safe, Permanent Housing - https://www.citylandnyc.org/city-launches-pilot-program-to-help-domestic-violence-survivors-access-safe-permanent-housing/ https://www.citylandnyc.org/city-launches-pilot-program-to-help-domestic-violence-survivors-access-safe-permanent-housing/
4/23/24 - More than 150 rally on Staten Island in support of sexual assault victims on Denim Day - https://www.silive.com/news/2024/04/more-than-150-rally-on-staten-island-in-support-of-sexual-assault-victims-on-denim-day.html https://www.silive.com/news/2024/04/more-than-150-rally-on-staten-island-in-support-of-sexual-assault-victims-on-denim-day.html
5/10/24 – Survivors of domestic and sexual violence can break their leases early in some states - https://stateline.org/2024/05/10/survivors-of-domestic-and-sexual-violence-can-break-their-lease-early-in-some-states/ https://stateline.org/2024/05/10/survivors-of-domestic-and-sexual-violence-can-break-their-lease-early-in-some-states/
Help is Available
If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic or gender-based violence, help is available:
Find resources and support in NYC by searching NYC HOPE Resource Directory online at www.nyc.gov/NYCHOPE https://www.nyc.gov/NYCHOPE.
NYC Family Justice Centers offer immediate safety planning, shelter assistance, mental health support, and other resources by phone or in person. For in person services, clients can call 311 for their nearest Family Justice Center to make an appointment or visit if they cannot engage in remote services safely or effectively.
Call 311 to be connected to the nearest NYC Family Justice Center.
Call NYC’s 24-hour Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-621-HOPE (4673) for immediate safety planning, shelter assistance, and other resources, TTY: 866-604-5350.
In an emergency, you can call 911. Please note this will lead to a response by the New York Police Department (NYPD)
Disclaimer: We believe in the principles of open dialogue and considering varying perspectives. Viewpoints or opinions expressed in the content of this communication or in articles linked do not necessarily reflect the positions or policies of the Mayor’s Office to End Domestic and Gender-Based Violence, or the City of New York.
Read the Privacy Policy https://www.nyc.gov/home/privacy-policy.page
https://www.facebook.com/nycendgbv https://www.instagram.com/nycendgbv/ https://twitter.com/nycendgbv https://www.nyc.gov/content/nychope/pages/
The Office to Combat Domestic Violence (OCDV) is now the Office to End Domestic and Gender-Based Violence. Find out more at www.nyc.gov/ENDGBV http://www.nyc.gov/ENDGBV
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