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2. | 暑さ対策(1kview/2res) | 烦恼・咨询 | 2024/12/09 14:02 |
3. | 米国籍取得後、日本に一時滞在中にパスポート更新(703view/2res) | 签证关联 | 2024/07/17 14:41 |
4. | 投資(1kview/0res) | 疑问・问题 | 2024/05/31 06:43 |
5. | 留学のアテンダンスに関しまして(850view/0res) | 留学生 | 2024/05/15 15:07 |
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8. | マンハッタンの裏千家茶道教室(2kview/1res) | 学习 | 2024/02/24 23:54 |
9. | 盗難(3kview/2res) | 烦恼・咨询 | 2023/09/24 07:01 |
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- #1
- jj
- 2002/10/28 23:23
- #3
- #4
sono kokujinnsan ha donna hitodesuka?
sunderutokoro ka toucyou ka nanika oshiete kudasai.
- #5
- #6
- #7
早めに教えてあげたほうが良いと思います。万一感染しているとして、早い段階で薬によってウイルス量の増加を抑えればその人自身も、そしてなによりも新たな犠牲者も救えるのでは? 自業自得と思う方もいるかもしれませんが、病気だけは自分だけは大丈夫!なんてありえない気がします。
- #9
- #10
- #11
- #12
- #13
- #14
- #17
You guys SUCK!!!!!! What the hell is wrong with you people!!!! The question is not whether the guy has AIDS. The real problem is that people now a days sleep with each other without getting married. What they are doing is absolutely wrong. That's why they get terrible outcome. If they had had good moral, they would not have slept with the guy and could have avioded getting AIDS in the first place. So don't blame the guy for having AIDS. Blame those who were immoral. And one more thing. Men are animals these days. When a girl walks down the street, they always look at the girl's butt, regardless of whether he is with his date. THIS IS SICK!! Without considering whether they are handsome or not, and whether thinking they deserve attention from girls, they think that they can get attention from girls when they talk to them. They are absolutely GARBAGE! And when women want ask men a favor, men won't do anything until the men sleep with them! Yeah, disagree with me as much as you want to. I don't care. But probably, those who disagree with me will be the next victim of exploitation by men!!!
- #18
- #20
Yeah right. I am japanese 100%. The computer does not type in Japanese. SORRY! Just because I can write in English does not mean I am an American. HA! You guys seem to blame me for typing in English, but you read it! You said "who would read it," but you actually did!! If you don't want to read it, just don't. You stupidos! Probably, the two of you are immoral.
- #23
Hey c! I'm the one who posted #14 message in Japanese and you know what? I'll fuckin' tell you what's up in English! What you wrote here is just your point of view and not everyone else's, you dumb fuck! First of all, we all here are not even Christians, so it doesn't matter if we wanna sleep with someone before we get married or not. What you are saying is not even a moral issue for us, it's just your dumbass opinion! Who cares if people wanna have sex before their marriage or not? That's none of your god damn business! So stop calling people who you think they are immoral a garbage! They are just like others who are trying to "discuss" something and not a "garbage". To us, you are the real garbage who is trying to impose your stupid opinion on people! Second of all, you don't get AIDS from having sex, you get H.I.V from it! Don't fucking write something it's not even true if you don't know shit about it, you fuckin' idiot! You think you are the smart one and not the others huh? I just proved that you are wrong didn't I? If you can't respect the others on the open discussion board, then don't fuckin' post any messages! So take your stupidass opinion back or I'll shove it up in your ass if you don't!
- #24
I'm speaking on behalf of what good Japanese people used to have. It is a moral issue regardless of what faith you have. Yes. I'm just telling what I want to say, just as other people here are saying what they want to say. I have my own brain, so I say what I think. Hey #23, you seem to clam that I am imposing upon my "dumbass" opinion. But you are also imposing upon YOUR sick, stupid, and careless opinions!!! Think logically!!! Your brain is run by libido, not intelligence. And I did't say that you get AIDS from having sex. Read more carefully you moron!!! I know those biological stuff!!! And to #21, I did not say that I hate Japanese. What I'm saying applies to people from any race! I see a clear differece between female and male. Clearly, to men, what I'm saying damages your confidence or ego. You men SUCK!!!!! DIRTY!!!! What do you think women are???!!!!! WE ARE NOT A BATHROOM FOR MEN!!!!!!!!!
- #25
Yo #22, you immoral people are the ones who are polluting the minds of innocent people! BACK OFF!!!!
- #26
What the fuck are you saying!? Who the fuck do you think you are telling us that we are the dirty ones? What you are saying is so fucking wrong that it's making me laugh! If you think we all are the dirty ones then take a look at the statistics of how many women have sexual disease today! First of all, women have more sexual disease than men, and what's even worse is the number of women who have the sexual disease has been dramatically increasing in the past couple of years! So don't fucking tell us that we are the dirty ones! It's true that there are many men who treat women like nothing, but that also implies to women! But the difference between you dumbass and I is that I DON'T TELL ALL WOMEN THAT THEY SUCK because I understand and know that there are many nice women and men out there who have more common sense! But you don't, you just tell us that we all are dirty and treat women like shit so FUCK YOU AND YOU FUCK THE BACK OFF! If you hate all men then why don't ya be a lesbian, you bitch! and you know what? obviously you are the moron because you clearly said that you get AIDS from having sex! You can't even remember what you wrote before then how can you think intelligently, you whore! I'll impose my opinion all the way to you and only you because you are so fucking hilarious!
- #27
YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!!! Watch your language. A good Japanese person does not speak the f-word like that. YOU are the one who doesn't have common sense. HA! You stupid men cannot even REMEMBER whom you have slept with!! Yeah, right. You MAY appear to understand English, but you don't have common sense. So you can't even read what I wrote. Yes, I said people get AIDS because they are careless and sleep with everyone without maintaining ther dignity. BUT, I didnt' say they get AIDS instantly. Your reading comprehension clearly indicates that YOU are the MORON and uneducated. Intelligent men can understand my simple English! Not you!!! HAHAHA!!!!! All I was saying was that people can prevent getting AIDS by not sleeping in the first place. Yes, I agree that many women are stupid these days. But more than that, men know how to fake themselves and maneuver women. Men only think about themselves, and in the end, women are the ones who have to suffer. That's why when an unmarried couple finds out that the woman has a baby, the man dump her. What are you??!! You don't tell all the women that they suck because you are gonna spread your dirty germ until you find the right one whom you can maneuver for the rest of your life, or until the one gets pregnant. And make no mistake. I'm not a lesbian. I'm just an intelligent woman who is very rare in this society. You don't like inteligent women because you cannot control them with your tiny brain. You know what, f---? You don't have to try to appear cool or whatever. You can type in Japanese so that intelligent Japanese people can read what the hell you are saying. I can read in Japanese. It's just I cannot type in Japanese. If you want to shut me up, why don't you justify why it is OK for a man to sleep with 40 women and spread AIDS, ha? I bet you can't!!!! Koukai sakini tatazu... If your statistics is correct, you gonna regret when you get AIDS.
- #28
#27I agreed with what you wrote.
I think most men are deceiving little brats. but lets keep hope
on the good ones.
and women these days doesn't think about their consequences.
smart people like you do....
Well educated people does not use
f words on the open discussion.
you don't need to discuss on the
same level as #26.
必要はないと思います。lets keep it
- #29
Lol, You both can just kiss my ass! You think you are so intelligent but you actually ain't because you are stupid enough to get pissed at what I wrote and start talking all these shit back to me, Wahaha you dumb slut! If you are really smart then you can just let all go, but obviously you aren't smart enough to be able to do that! You can say all these shit about me and it doesn't even bother me because first of all, I don't even know you and why the fuck do I care what people who I don't even know think about me? Second of all, if I'm not well educated then I wouldn't be on the Dean's List would I? and what's all these "HA!" you are saying? You sound so gay! I really think you should be a lesbian because smart guys don't even wanna go out with you since you are just a smart-"ass" and not a smart person that you clam to be. You and #28 M makes a cute lesbo couple! You are just a stuck up little bitch who calls herself "oh, I'm intelligent and well educated," but has the worst personality that none of the guys including all smart ones and dumb-asses find you attractive! There, that your reason why you should be a lesbian lol! Why the hell do I have to justify that it is okay for a man to sleep with 40 women and spread his HIV virus? Didn't I post a message in Japanese saying that someone like his ass should be thrown into the jail for the rest of his life because what he is doing is so wrong! But ohhhhhh you couldn't remember that I posted such a message before... because you are too damn old and your brain shrunk so small that you can't even remember what you did yesterday?? That's sad...... Oh hey one more thing, you can't even figure out how to set up your Operating System so you can type in Japanese? How dumb are you?!
- #31
おい、名無しの ごんべい!!!おめえ日本人として恥ずかしくないのか!アメリカの悪影響ばかり受け入れて!!!てめーみたいなバカはひっこんでろ!!!!
- #32
なんだこの "Anoymous"ってやつは??!! I tall ya! Dean's List is NOTHING!! ばかはすぐのるからな!
- #33
- #34
I agree with you the most Coyote! Everyone is responsible for their own action and if you are not careful about it, then you pay the consequences. That's what I said at the beginning. But people like C blame all on men telling us that we are the dirty ones or the garbage who are responsible for spreading the disease, not only that, she disrespected others as well calling them a stupid and immoral. That's why I posted a message against her, and exactly what I expected, she did post another message telling me all these bull. I do apologize to those who were offended by the message that I posted, but I don't curse at people just because and that was only toward C. It's just that I don't show any respect to anyone who doesn't respect me. That's all, it doesn't matter what kind of race or nationality you are, or how much you have been influenced being in the US, so I don't even care what "businessman" and "student" said about me. Probably they only read some of the messages and not all of them. I was only trying to protect the fact that the all men are not like the way C thinks. If people really read the messages from the beginning, then I'm sure a lot of people agree with me and understand why I posted such messages against C. Someone like you is the real intelligent one who can discuss at the good level, and I really agree with what you said :)
- #35
- #36
Finally, there is someone who agrees with me. Thanks #27 M! To be honest, I was kind of shocked to find out that many Japanese people are like Anoymous. But it's good to find out that there are people like you, M!
- #37
Hey Anonymo, your mind is impotent!It seems that you don't understand what I'm saying, so I'll make it more simpler!
1. It does not occur to you to think that I'm using a public computer, and therefore I cannot type in Japanese. Thanks for calling me dumb. But guess what? I'm not. You are!
2.You lack common sense. If you think that I'm an old person, common sense, if you had one, will tell you that old Japanese people VERY RARELY become gay or lesbian.But still, Japanese people generally don't become gay or lesbian. I'm not a lesbian. Do you have a trouble accepting reality??? Well, regarding me as an old person is kind of a compliment -- it means that I'm matured. But you know what? I'm in your generation.
3. Do not worry. No one wants to "kiss" your smelly "ass". And you are the "ass".
5.You call that justice? "Justice" is a big word, kid. Putting them in a jail will certainly punish those people who did the terrible things. But it does not compensate for those who are innocent and have to suffer for the rest of their lives. And it does not solve the problem. There will be next people who will pray on women. Unless people eradicate thoughts like you have, no justice will be done.
6.Your reason why I have to be a lesbian does not work. If I were not attractive, then men would not try to get my attention or talk to me. You don't even remeber what I said in the beginning of my argument. Read my first message, and if you are smart, you'll find out why I say men are dirty, or more appropriately, moron.
7. Good, so you are in school. Being on the dean's list means that a person is intellectual. But it does not mean you are intelligent. And the GPA level for being on the list depends on schools. In some schools, you can be on the list if you are above 3.33,which is not a good GPA. What is more important is family education. Your mamma and dada didn't teach you anything about moral??? It's a shame!
8. So you don't respect anyone who does not respect you? Oh, how pity. I'm the same. Men don't show respect to women, and therefore exploit us.
9. You are also stupid enough to get "pissed at what I wrote and start talking all these shit back to me."
10. If you were really smart, then you would consider my points.
11. Coyote is saying what I said in the beginning. Ignorance is stupidity. I clearly said that the people were doing stupid things. That's why they resulted in the terrible outcome. But I don't agree with one thing. If you are really responsible enough, you'll wait untill you are married.
- #38
- #41
こんにちわ 。40代の結婚して10年になる男性です。AnonymousさんとCさんのやり取りに関してメッセージをのこさせていただきます。僕も最近の男はだらしないと思う。いつも女の子をなかせている。それに結婚前に性行為するのは間違っています。本当に、その人が利口な人で相手の事をかんがえているのなら、結婚前にそういう事はしません。Cさんのような純粋な人があまりにもすくないことは、とても残念です。
- #42
- #43
説得力が無いと言うおなたこそ、結婚前に性行為するのは違っていないと説得してみたらどうでしょう。 love=sexではありません。間違っているって言い切ることが間違っているって言い切るあなたも間違っているのでは?
- #44
- #45
僕も大人がこの世界を汚していることに同意します。でも愛と性は別です。sexをして精神的のつながりを深められるのは夫婦の間だけです。性は、動物的instinctです。人間にはそれと感情が与えられてます。もし、ほんとうにsex=loveならば、どうしてsex関係の裏切りあいがほかの種類の裏切りあいより多いのでしょう。もし、sex=loveならどうして結婚するまで待てないのでしょう。性行為で精神的なつながりが人どうしの間にできるというあなたは姦淫を認めますか? あなたが夫または妻に性的に裏切られた時どう思うか想像してみては? もし、あなたがあなたの妻または夫の姦淫を認めた結果あなたがエイズ患者になったとき、どうしますか? それに、あなたがエイズ患者になってからの子供の責任を、どうおとりになりますか?
- #46
Okay, C. Thanks for posting a simplified version of your bullshit. I understood perfectly and considered your point more carefully, but still you are the dumbest, disrespectful, and psycho piece of shit I have ever found in this entire universe. Disrespecting me is one thing and you can say whatever you wanna say about me, but disrespecting my family is another thing. You still consider yourself an intelligent person after bringing in my family to your argument to just disrespect? Real intelligent person can still have a bad conversation but without crossing a line because they know how to argue and work around to make their points. You crossed a line and went too far this time. If you are really intelligent then you understand where I'm coming from or "consider my point". I disrespected you for a reason; you called men a garbage and all the other shit. But I have never posted a message talking shit about your family haven't I? I have nothing else to say to you because no matter how many times you argue back to me, nothing's gonna change my mind that you are a real piece of shit!!
- #47
- #48
- #49
I never disrespected your family. It was just a question. You could've just answered, "Yes, they taught me moral," or "No, they didn't teach me moral." Well, it's good that you have found someone like me in the "entire universe." It seems that you even don't know how to argue. If you wanna "argue," get rid of all these dirty words. The use of these words tell people that you are not capable of pressing our perspective and that the only way to possiblly impose upon your opinion is by using your language that is not acceptable to intelligent people. You said that you are on the Dean's List. When you write a paper (don't tell me that you've never written a paper), do you use this kind of speech? Or, is it that you can be on the list even if you fail? Well, I'll tell you what. You are preoccupied. I actually didn't say that ALL men are garbage. I said, "men are...." I didn't specify quantity, so it means that I was talking in terms of generality. And one more thing. You are even worse. I said that men are garbage. But shit is even worse. I didn't say all men are shit.
- #50
To Anonymous and Coyote.
The future gets only worse because people don't respect old traditions. It is a good thing that we have flexibility to incorporate "new" things. But it is only when the incorporation leads to a better future. For example, do you say that, because America obtained nuclear weapon (new thing) at the end of the WWII, the world is a better place now? It is true, according to some people (not me), that the war ended because of the nuclear bombing. But the U.S. government actually knew that Japan was about to surrender and that the use of the weapon was not necessary to end the war. America just wanted to use Japan as an experiment. I strongly oppose nuclear proliferation. But I'm just trying to illistrate that "incorporation of new things" does not always lead to better future. If there had been no nuclear weapon at the end of the war, many Japanese people would not have died and suffered.
I strongly and absolutely agree with Mr. T.D. Sex is one of areas that is getting worse due to an incorporation of new things. If one is really flexible, he/she can appreciate old values without a question. If we know a consequence of our actions, it is much easier to decide what to do. Of course, if a person A knows that he/she will be betrayed by a person B, for example, A will not date B. But the world is not simple. We don't know the consequence of your actions. If you believe that sex is a way to express "love," why are there prostitutes? Men are sex hunters. Women, may be except you, are not.
It is true, Ms. Coyote, that people betray each other by moral. But sex outside of marriage, as Mr. T.D. argues, is against moral. Go ahead and teach your child to have sex before marriage. Are you expecting to be a grandmother even if your child is still a teenager? And do you know the definition of marriage. It is defined as a man and a woman being unified as one. It is according to the law both in the U.S. and Japan. That's why we cannot marry as many people as we want.
To anonymous.
How can you say that the black men got AIDS from a woman? May be he got it from another man.
- #51
I will add one more thing. I agree that people learn from experiences. I agree with you, Ms. Coyote, that we learn to understand other people's pain by actually going through betrayals and painful situations. But sex is not needed to experience love. Love is emotional. Sex is physical. Animals don't have sex becuase they "love" each other. If they loved each other, it's kinda scary... So you have a lover rather than your husband? Then why did you marry him? And how do you teach your child to aviod becoming pregnant and/or getting AIDS? Widely advertised way to prevent these is a use of condoms. But the prevention is not 100%. Or you tell your young child to take pills or insert these stupid tools inside her?
- #52
ちょっと言わせていただきたいのですが... 愛っていったい今の男にあるんでしょうか。男っていったって今いるのはオスであって男性じゃないし、いつも性のことしか考えていない。 だから、”君のこと愛してる”とか言いながら、その女の子が自分のためにパンツ下げないってわかればすぐその子捨てて他の子見つけるだけ。もっとヒドイ場合、一応その子をとっておいてほかに見つける。それってすごく侮辱。多分そういったダラシナイ男は、”自分のこと愛しているなら俺のために何でもやれっ”て失礼なこと平気で言う。私も、結婚前にそういう事するの間違っているって思う。それに、ちゃんとした道徳を教えられないで育った子ってスゴークかわいそう。
- #53
- 魔人V
- 2003/01/18 (Sat) 07:52
- 报告
- #54
- #59
- 魔人V
- 2003/02/05 (Wed) 15:19
- 报告
- #60
Here is a newly posted article about HIV and AIDS. Anyone who is interested in the topic should read this and get the knowledge of the deadly virus. After all, everyone should be aware of what kind of virus and disease you are dealing with and know how scary this thing is. I just wanted to share the knowledge and wanted you all to be concerned about it, so you can protect yourself better.
- #63
- #64
- #66
- 当地商业的『城市指南』
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SORA 餐厅环境优雅,热情好客,为您提供非凡的用餐体验。在艺术美景环绕的轻松氛围中,御膳菜单一定能满足最挑剔的美食家的需求。我们的厨师每周三次从丰洲市场直接采购新鲜食材,精心烹制每一道菜肴。在这里,您可以品尝到原汁原味的美味佳肴,尽享愉悦的用餐体验。 我们像朋友一样热情接待客人,我们重视提供的不仅仅是一顿饭,而是一个难忘的时刻。我们的厨师将很乐意为您讲解每一道菜肴,并回答您的问题,让您吃得更...
+1 (646) 883-0700SORA
- 我们在纽约和新泽西用日语提供精神・心身治疗、药物处方、心理治疗(和心理咨询)。无...
他们中的许多人面临着各种压力,例如对外国的不熟悉、对新工作或新学校的不适应、文化和语言障碍以及与日本家人和朋友的分离。高度的压力会导致各种精神障碍。 您是否有这些症状 ? 情绪低落、疲劳、倦怠、失去乐趣、失去兴趣、孤独、易怒、内疚、空虚、食欲不振、食欲增加、焦虑、恐慌、恐惧症、压力、易怒、感觉模糊、愤怒、失眠、嗜睡、噩梦、注意力不集中、心烦意乱、坐立不安、失落、悲伤、厌食、暴饮暴食、头晕、麻...
+1 (201) 809-3508精神科・心療内科医 松木隆志
- 我们每个人都在创造社会的未来。你能做些什么来帮助我们 ? 我们,NY de Vo...
开始吧 ! 在纽约市做志愿者 ! 与我们一起开始丰富多彩的社会参与活动 ? 体验平日里没有的经历,与各行各业的人进行心与心的交流。? 志愿者活动 ・ 讲习会 ・ 日本文化活动 ・ 教育活动 ・ 高龄者援助活动援助 ・ 职业讲习班
+1 (212) 932-7208NY de Volunteer, Inc. (NYdV)
- 您是否需要帮助处理日常会计工作 ? 我们通过记账/簿记、改进和明确会计业务的建议...
我们希望成为一个更平易近人的存在,您可以就任何小事咨询我们。请随时与我们联系。 您有这些问题吗 ? ・ 您不熟悉会计工作,处理起来需要很长时间 ・ 您的会计突然辞职了 ・ 您人手不足,无法开展业务 ・ 您希望降低会计/会计部门的成本 ・ 我们希望降低会计/会计部门的成本 ・ 我们在准备文件方面很吃力 ・ 我们将会计工作外包给会计师事务所,但无法了解我们的业务状况或使用会计数据 ・ 我...
+1 (917) 686-1003Booksavers, Inc.
- 位于纽约市曼哈顿的眼科诊所,提供日语服务。普通眼科 ( 干眼症、红眼病、眼痒、白...
日语和英语双语眼科医生将为您仔细检查・和治疗。主要保险 ・ 可办理海外旅行者保险。 ♢ 普通眼科 : 干眼症、红眼病、眼痒、白内障手术、青光眼治疗、糖尿病和高血压引起的眼部并发症 ♢ 眼镜 ・ 隐形眼镜处方 ♢ 激光♢ 角膜移植手术
+1 (212) 500-1148アップル眼科 / Apple Ophthalmology
- 顶级海鲜和其他奢侈食品 ( 鱼子酱及其他 ) ・ 我们将最优质的日本食品送到您的...
来自日本,来自世界。 金枪鱼鲣鱼、红肉、鰤鱼和鲑鱼。 Yama Seafood 的鱼还被星级餐厅采用。 美味的家常菜,美味的鱼!。
+1 (201) 433-3888YAMA SEAFOOD
- 帮您在美国纽约找工作 !。
Pasona N A, Inc.是一家支持职业生涯的全球性人力资源服务公司。 我们的目标是成为所有进入北美工作的求职者的 "在美国取得成功的合作伙伴",并以远大的抱负和承担一切的使命感做出贡献。
+1 (212) 661-5110Pasona NA, Inc. / New York
- 新泽西州和纽约州的日本学校。这是东海岸唯一一所全日制学前班和小学的综合学校。本校...
・ 幼儿教育 ・ 通过综合小学教育提供稳定的基础教育 ・ 小班教学和家庭式的成长和学习氛围 ・ 由熟悉日本和美国教育情况的专职教师提供生动的教育 ・ 日本 MEXT符合学习课程的课程和英语教育 ・ 位于纽约和新泽西交界处的安全和便利的通勤路线的学校
+1 (201) 947-4832ニューヨーク育英学園 Japanese Children's Society
- 日本清洁公司.夏威夷 ・ 在纽约迅速发展。体验可靠的日式清洁服务 ? 我们根据您...
・ 细心清洁:我们注重细节,让您的住宅或办公室焕然一新。 ・ 量身定制的服务:从定期清洁到彻底清洁,我们根据您的需求量身定制服务。 ・ 可靠准时:我们每次都会在约定的时间上门提供优质服务。 ・ 专业的做工:高质量、细致的做工,超出预期。 ・ 价格合理:高质量的服务,合理的价格。
+1 (646) 846-8068Lauri's Cleaning LLC